Here’s how the workshop is set up:
The first video is all about getting set up and ready to start painting. After a short introduction we will go over exactly what supplies you will need. I will walk you through my favorite brushes, tools, paint, and so much more! You will get a list of my tried and true favorites that you can purchase— or feel free to use the supplies you already have.
I will then walk you through how to create the perfect color palette for your room… and guess what?! You can pick any colors you want— with a little guidance from me! You will be on your way to creating the perfect abstract for your home!
In the second video, we will start by setting up our palettes with all of the paint we will need. Next, we will start exploring with different brush strokes, we will tune into our style, and put the first layers down on the canvas. Remember, acrylic paint is great because if you mess up-- it is an easy fix. So, have fun and don't take it too seriously!!
The point of this course is to walk you through the steps, so that you feel confident, relaxed and start to understand how acrylic paint works. I give you all the tips and tricks— in an easy and fun way! You can go at your own pace, pause, take a break and then come back with fresh eyes!
In this module, we are really getting into the meat of the painting. At this point you should be feeling more confident knowing the basics of acrylic and how the paint feels as it moves across the canvas. At this point in the painting, you might think your piece looks awful, but that is a normal stage in painting. This happens to me EVERY TIME— mid way through, when things are getting there, but it's just not how you want it yet. The great part is I will coach you through it, so you won’t want to throw the canvas out the window. (;
Pretty soon after lots of layers and special techniques you will start to see the light at the end of the painting!
In this module and lesson, we will start to finalize all areas of the painting and begin putting on the finishing touches. This is the time in the painting where I begin to love it and it starts to come alive. The final touches are always the most fun, because you can really start to see all of your hard work turn into a masterpiece.
On this stage of the painting we will really define our strokes, we will add more texture with the palette knife, and so much more!
The last and final module is all about the final touches, finishing the canvas, and preparing it to hang in your home. We will paint the edges, add marks with our oil pastels, add gold touches, sign our masterpiece, learn how to add wire for hanging, and how to seal and protect the painting.
This module will go into lots of detail about all of the above, so that you finish the course with a complete painting that is ready to go straight on the wall!!
… and thats a wrap! All in all, the course will take you about 3 hours from start to finish— with break time in between. I highly recommend taking your time, taking breaks, and going at your own pace.
In my dream life, you’d be sitting in my studio, both of us covered in paint while I show you side by side how to create the painting of your dreams… But since I’m doing this virtually, teaching you at your own pace, and in your own time zone, I’m able to pull that price way down— and you can take the course over and over again— to create as many paintings as desired!
learn from Kayla